

Adaptive Failure : Easter's End | Toulmin Model of Argumentation | Flax Golden Tales

Human beings should change themselves according to the surrounding demand. Failing to do so could destroy their existence in the world forever. Great civilizations in the past who erected the structures of Khmer, the Maya, the Anasazi, Pyramids, vanished from the world then it will be no surprise that our civilization too can vanish one day.

Easter Island's most famous feature is its huge stone statues, more than 200 of which once stood on massive stone platform lining the coast. It is not acceptable that such a great civilizations who were able to manage to carve such massive statues vanished suddenly. They were the builders of the huge statues with a great perfection. Yet all of them vanished leaving nothing but the proof of the biggest civilization for us.They were not able to adapt the change in the environment and were the cause of their own destruction. Similarly, it is obvious that our civilization too can vanish if we do not take our current environmental problems seriously.

Many great civilizations like Maya, Indus River Valley civilization has vanished from the world due to adaptive failure. Sometimes changes in cultures are not necessarily beneficial. New ways of organizing a society or some of its parts may produce failure rather than success. It is easy to make an analogy between cultural changes in societies and genetic changes in organisms. In both cases it is only after the fact, seeing what survived and what did not, that we can tell what was really most adaptive. A wide variety of solutions may exist in both the solutions. And in both failure to adapt leads eventually to death. But have the analogy between biological and cultural evolution breaks down.

Easter Islander did not understood the importance of their forefather's stone statues and pulled down all. Similarly, they destroyed the forests, as a result they got starvation and quarrel among people which lead to the destruction of the civilization there.
     When we look at the highly successful classical agrarian empires, all of them became increasingly involuted with time. Their administrative structures became larger but less efficient. They became drains of the economies that supported them. They lost the flexibility to adapt to various emergencies. This was a matter of slowly drifting toward inefficiency. In the long run, such involution could make a big difference in decreasing adaptability. Rome was able to handle a number barbarian invasions rather easily, but by the 5th century, it had lost its capacity to do this.

People of the Easter Island were not aware of the consequences that might take place after destruction of nature resources. They do not knew the importance of that. But today, we have a better communication throughout the world and we know what could happen if nature is not with us. So we can save our civilization by caring the nature.
     Failure to adapt does not necessarily mean death for all the members of the society. Societies are neither individual organisms nor species. They are composed of many individuals who can adopt new ways even if their old culture fails. There are many cases in which whole social systems have failed and disappeared, but far fewer ones in which this has resulted in massive physical annihilation.

If we do not learn serious lesson from the histories of vanished civilization of Easter Island, our own civilization and coming generations will surely be in danger.


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