

Why everyone should learn Computer Programming ???

Today, world has became like a spider web of computer technologies. Imagine a world with out computers...it can't be imagined. Computers are everywhere around us and we should know what's going on around us and that's why we should have the knowledge of computers. Learning computer science not only means to have a bachelor or master degree on it. A basic knowledge of computer and computer programming can solve your daily life problems no matter of which field you are.

Computer programming is a method of giving computers instructions to perform your specific task. It is simply making computers do your work. The instructions are known as codes. There are many languages by which we can give instructions to the computers. The oldest and most popular among them are C# and C++. There are other programming languages like Python which is easy to learn than C#. But C# language should be known by everyone because this language is the base of every language. It will be very easy to learn other languages if you know C# Programming language.
We can use our desired language to give instructions to the computer to make our work done. With computer programming the only thing that comes in our mind is App and Website development. But its not all about that. We can do many other things with the help of Computer Programming.
Here are the list of things which can be done with Programming which may be related to your field :


Matlab is a programming language for numerical computing basically for engineers. MATLAB is used in all field of engineering. MATLAB can be used for Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, explore scientific theories, Matrix analysis, evaluate large amount of data.


Arduino is an open source hardware and software platform for designing interactive electronic machines. It uses C/C++ programming language. Some of the cool stuffs that can be made with arduino are: Arduino robot-Rubik's cube solver, Robot that plays Piano Tiles, Wireless Arduino Powered Chess, Wall-E Robot, Led Cube 8x8x8 etc.

iii.Raspberry pie

Raspberry pie is a small single board computer which enables us to explore the world of computing. Some of the projects that you can try on your own with raspberry pi are: Electric Skateboard, Electronic Chess Board, Film-to-digital transfer system, A mini computer with raspberry pi os, Raspberry pi walkie-talkie, Magic Mirror etc.

iv. VBA for Excel

VBA or Visual Basic for Applications is a programming language of Excel and other office programs. It is a advanced form of office programs of microsoft and uses programming approach to do stuffs. VBA can be used for keeping list of things, analyzing scientific data, developing charts from datatable etc.

v.  Blender

Blender is a free and open 3D creation software. It uses Python programming language.

vi. Mathematica

Mathematica is a symbolic mathematical computation program. It is used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical and computing fields. The programming language used in Mathematica is Wolfram language.

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